89/391/CEE Directive
European Directive for the promotion of health and safety in the workplace
Legislative Decree 81/2008
Consolidated Law on Safety in the workplace
Ministerial Decree 04.08.1998
European guidelines for air quality
UNI EN 15251/2008
Criteria for the design of the internal environment and for the evaluation of the energy performance of buildings, with regard to indoor air quality, to thermal environment, lighting and acoustics
Guidelines on the maintenance of Air Conditioning Systems (2005)
CM, Joppolo (2000)
CM, Joppolo (2000)
Presidential Decree n. 412/93
Regulations laying down rules for the design, installation, operation and maintenance of heating systems in buildings in order to control energy consumption, implementing art. 4, paragraph 4 of the Law of 9 January 1991, n. 10
UNI 10399/95 and UNI 13779
Aeraulic systems for wellbeing purposes. Generality, classification and requirements. Rules for the offer request, the offer, the order and delivery
UNI 10381-1/96
Aeraulic systems. Conduits: classification, design, sizing and installation
UNI ENV 12097/99
Ventilation in buildings – conduits’ network – Requirements relative to components apto to facilitate the maintenance of conduits’ network
UNI EN ISO 14644-1:2001
Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments – Specifications for testing and monitoring to prove conformity
Suppl. Official Gazette n. 256 of 3/11/2006
Agreement, pursuant to Article 4 of the Legislative Decree 28 August 1997, n. 281, between the Government, the Regions and Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano on the document entitled: “Guidelines for the definition of technical protocols for predictive maintenance on air conditioning”
WHO Guidelines - World Health Organization
European guidelines for air quality