Keeping the air we breathe pure is important for our well-being, to avoid allergies, irritations or unpleasant odors
How would you feel if we told you that the quality of your life and your health can be improved without effort while doing your daily activities?
The overall focus towards energy saving is leading to greater isolation and closure of homes, often causing an unhealthy indoor climate given by different factors
which can come from the outside, from ourselves, from tissues, from fabrics, furniture, paints, detergents, gas burners or stoves, building materials, or from a reduced
air change with negative effects on the health of the person.
Keeping the air we breathe pure is important for our well-being, to avoid allergies, irritations or unpleasant odors. Even animals in the house can transmit bacteria and their tissues can be a source of allergens. The polluting sources are multiple and emissions, albeit invisible, can lead in time to some consequences in the organism.
Bioxigen® gets to every corner of the environment, purifying the air and disinfecting surfaces from bacteria, molds and dust mites, airborne dust, chemical or organic smoke odors, for example odors arising from waste will disappear faster. The benets for adults, elderly and children are considerable, the risk of bacterial contamination and contagion is reduced, the clean air makes breathing easier especially for asthmatics and allergy sufferers increasing the physical and mental health of all occupants.
Bioxigen® is not equipped with filters and works with very low energy consumption.
Quality Certification of product
University of Udine
University of Padova
CE Marking
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